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Beyond the Blue Champions of Change Gala with speaker in blue dress Thumbnail

Cubeit commends Beyond the Blue's dedication

September 25, 2023

The challenges encountered by police officers are apparent to most. They step into situations and places that most of us would wisely avoid. They do this to safeguard us, responding to a profound call to serve the community.

This service often exposes them to physical risks. They confront violence and deal with individuals who may react aggressively simply because they are carrying out their duty.

There is also a substantial psychological risk. In fact, the emotional toll exacted by this profession is arguably more harmful and perilous than any physical danger they might face in the line of duty. Physical risks are fleeting, occurring in a moment and then gone.

Emotional burdens, however, persist. Certain images become etched into their minds.

Witnessing a recurring victim of domestic abuse return to the same perilous situation, knowing deep down that they will likely respond to the same call a month later. Conveying the heartbreaking news to a parent that their child has perished in a traffic accident. Investigating the sudden death of an infant. These are all traumatic experiences that a police officer may encounter during their career, often more than once.

The impact on their mental well-being is challenging to comprehend. There are no visible bruises or scars that one can observe, and, crucially, witness healing. Instead, the damage is internalized, and if left unaddressed, it can lead to devastating consequences.

Officers may resort to drugs and alcohol as coping mechanisms, and their relationships with friends, children, and spouses can suffer. Tragically, in far too many instances, they pay the ultimate price: Police officers die by suicide at a higher rate than the general population.

Addressing these challenges is the mission of Canada Beyond the Blue, an organization dedicated to supporting and acknowledging advocates for mental health within police services. On September 15, 2023, the organization had its second annual Champions of Change Gala, recognizing those who are working to create a safe environment for those seeking help.

It was an inspiring evening that shed light on the shadows of mental health issues, offering hope and a path toward a healthier future.

Just as we were last year, our sister company, Access Storage, was proud to have been a sponsor at the Gala. Events like the Champions of Change Gala fortify our community and enable us to provide support to those who are typically there to support us.

We deeply appreciate the dedication of all police officers and extend our gratitude to Beyond the Blue for their unwavering commitment to prioritizing the mental health and well-being of these officers.