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Increasing the sale price of your home with self storage

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April 10, 2023

Selling your home is both an exciting and a stressful procedure. Change is typically like this. The greatest excitement of the process may very well come down to how much you can sell the house for, and, certainly, this is an important part of the process. If you want to increase the sale price of your home, then self-storage can provide a dramatic aid in accomplishing this.

With an eye towards increasing the value of your home, we at Cubeit have put together the following list of tips that will point you in the right direction for maximizing the return on your real estate investment.

Clean and tidy

A first obvious tip is to ensure your home is clean and tidy for any prospective buyers. Buyers gain insight (whether accurate or not) into the owners of any home based on how organized and well-taken care of the home is.

A home that is cluttered and messy indicates that the owners have probably neglected everyday tasks and maintenance during their history in the home. This reflects poorly on the owners and the house itself: the next logical conclusion to deduce is that the home is probably riddled with all sorts of issues that the new owners will need to address. This is a dramatic turn-off for any potential buyer.

Rather than be off-putting, ensuring in advance that your home is purged of old magazines, electronics, articles of clothing, and the like will provide the potential buyers with a better vision of the home. It's clean and well-looked after. Devoid of clutter reveals details of the house that would have remained hidden or disguised beneath the clutter. Natural light can pour through rooms with more ease; spaces begin to appear larger with less in them.

A clean and tidy home is a selling point for any buyer, and self-storage is an excellent solution for a purge of this sort. Many of these items are items that you don't want to get rid of, even though they need to be removed from the house for the purpose of selling it. Keeping those items safe, in a self-storage unit, is an excellent solution to making the house clean and tidy, appearing both brighter and larger in the process.

Open spaces

Today's home buyer tends to like modern, neutral, open spaces. An open space suggests larger space with higher ceilings. Minimal spaces allow the buyer to imagine how they might decorate the home if they purchase it.

The tip here is to try to complete more purging: excess furniture that clutters spaces should all be removed. Keeping only the basic necessities that allow any room to look complete, but open and decluttered, will yield more positive responses from buyers.

Of course, to rid yourself of the extra chairs in the living room, the unnecessary chest of drawers in the guest bedroom, and other such items, you'll need somewhere to store those items, and self-storage is the easiest solution to make your home look open and neutral.

Not your house anymore

Neutral spaces are very important for any prospective home buyer. For this reason, you need to ensure that your home is not your home when visitors arrive for viewings. Family portraits, framed degrees, your children's art projects from elementary school, sports trophies, and the like are all items that personalize your space.

These are wonderful items to have in your house, and important for your own lifestyle, but when you are selling your house, you need to make that house not your own, and that means purging your home of all of your personal items.

Again, you certainly do not want to get rid of these items, but they cannot stay in the house, adding to the clutter: self-storage is the best solution to ensure your house is not your house during viewings.

Peace of mind

An important part of you selling your home is, in fact, you. While a real estate agent will of course do as much work as possible to accommodate the sale of your home, they are not always available for every viewing. Moreover, while they can talk the real estate language, you know the space better than they do, and will therefore be a valuable resource for potential buyers. In other words, you will need to sell your home yourself to a certain extent.

Self-storage will prove to be an excellent way to lower the stress of selling your home. Rather than being concerned with the cluttered, closed spaces that show off your undergraduate degree in philosophy and your daughters swimming credentials, the open, clean, tidy, neutral space you've been able to create by utilizing a self-storage unit will calm your nerves and make you much more confident in the sale of your home.

With your stresses and worries neatly hidden away in a self-storage unit, your friendly, approachable, trustworthy character will shine through and add to the allure of your home.

(Read our article here on more tips on how to decrease your stress during a move.)

Buying your own home

Selling your home is really only one half of the process you are going through. Purchasing a new home, of course, is the other half.

With many of your belongings shuffled into self-storage for the sale of your home, you have also set yourself up well for your eventual move into your new home. Much of the packing has already been accomplished. Items of furniture are already moved. While this obviously does not increase the sale price of your home, it may in fact reduce the cost of your move into your new home.

It would be better for you to opt for a portable storage container as it is the most convenient option for this purpose. Having the storage unit dropped in your driveway in advance allows you to take your time as you fill it with the items needed to be removed from the home for the purpose of the sale.

Once you've filled the unit, the facility will swing by to pick it up, and then can drop it off to your new home when the time comes – and, again, you can unload it within your own time frame, without the pressure of needing to finish in time for the truck to be returned to the rental company.

Selling a home is an exciting and stressful time in anyone's life, but utilizing self-storage, and in particular portable self-storage, will reduce the stress involved in the process while providing resources that can increase the sale value of your home.

If you're looking to sell your home and want further advice, speak with your Cubeit agent today: we're here to make your project an easy one.