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Five ideas for a fun home renovation

two friends having fun renovating their home and dancing

June 19, 2023

Cubeit can make your home renovation project easier!

There are lots of reasons that you might be under-utilizing space in your home.

Maybe you are new empty nesters – the kids are all gone and, hopefully, they will be off on their own now at college or working.  

Perhaps, you have a room that you only go into to dust once a month. Ok, once every six months, if we’re being honest. It's reserved for the good company, that never do show up!

Maybe that basement crawl space can be used for more than storing your smelly hockey equipment?

Whatever the case, you know that you could be getting more out of the space. Maybe this year is the time that you finally do something about it.

Is it time to renovate your house?

Truthfully, there’s rarely a bad time to consider renovating your home. It is, after all, the most valuable investment many of us will ever make in our lifetime and taking stock of its value – and how to make it more valuable – is something that you should do every couple years.

5 Reasons to renovate your house

  1. It keeps your home looking modern
  2. The kids have moved out
  3. Looking for more space
  4. Create a rental space
  5. Increase the home’s value

Cubeit makes renovations easy!

We said that freshening up the space is fun, not that the actual act of freshening up isn’t daunting. No one like their space ripped up for months as contractors fill your hose with heavy equipment, making it unlivable.

There is another way, however. With a Cubeit container you greatly reduce the clutter that you find in a typical home renovation. All that stuff – the saws and the wood and the nails, etc. are safely stored in your Cubeit container when the work isn’t happening.

That allows you and your family to live in the home safely during and comfortably during the renovation.

Here are 5 ideas for what kind of renovation to consider.

1. Walk-in closet renovation

Those shoes aren’t going to store themselves, right? It may seem a bit much to convert a full room into a closet, but there are lots of good reasons to consider it.

Older homes are often short on closet space. Designed in a different time, when people owned less clothing, it can be a frustrating aspect of an otherwise charming Edwardian or Victorian home.

By converting an underused room into a walk-in closet, you both add value to the home, but you also can find some hidden gems in your wardrobe. Clothing that has been buried in an unworkable closet can finally be seen again!

2. Home office renovation

Many of us gave up office life this decade.  The Work-From-Home life is our new reality.

As is back and shoulder pain from being bent over at a laptop at the kitchen table. Unless you have shares in a massage clinic, that’s less than ideal. It’s time to set yourself up with a proper work environment.

There’s several benefits to having a home office. Not only is it good for your muscle health, it also makes you more productive at work. Having a space defined as being for work reduces distractions and allows you to stay better focused. On the other side of that equation, once you leave that space it signals to you and your family that work is over. Keep work-life balance in check is important to all of us, after all.

3. Home gym renovation

Many of us have also dropped the gym membership in favour of working out at home. Finding space to do that can be a challenge though. Who wants to do push-ups beside the cat litter, or bench press in the laundry room.

Giving yourself a proper space dedicated to fitness will both open up space in the rest of your house and make it more likely that you will hit your fitness goals, as you’ll be more likely to use the equipment.

4. Make an arts and crafts room

Not everyone is a gym rat, of course. For many of us, we want a space that will allow out creative side to flourish.

Maybe you are looking to paint water colours. Perhaps, you are into scrapbooking. Sculpture may be your thing. Whatever the passion, having a space dedicated to its pursuit makes it easier to stop thinking about doing it and instead get back to creating.

5. Games room renovation

Not all rooms have to be serious. Sure, work, self-fulfillment, storage and fitness are important but sometimes you just want to have some fun.

Why not build a games room?

Your choices are endless. Work on your dart game, or take up snooker. If that’s not your thing, how about creating space for poker nights, or making a really cool video games nook.

It’s your space. It’s time to use it to its fullest potential.  Cubeit can help you do just that. Give us a call today at 1-844-897-3811.