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Cubeit proudly backs United Way Winnipeg's Koats for Kids program

Koats for Kids Staff hard at work supporting families in need

September 18, 2023

Winter holds a special place in the hearts of Canadians. It's a season deeply etched in our memories—a time for joyful afternoons crafting snowmen with grandparents or engaging in endless games of shinny with friends on the local pond. Perhaps you fondly recall the hours spent sliding down frozen snowbanks behind the rink or embarking on picturesque snowshoeing adventures in the woods on a January afternoon.

Regardless of the specific memories, one thing remains constant: the weather never deterred us from enjoying all that Canada has to offer. Like true Canadians, we embraced the cold, bundled up warmly, and carried on with our activities.

The motto was simple: Layer up and embrace the great outdoors.

But what if you couldn't adequately dress for the weather? Would those cherished memories be the same if the cold prevented you from building a snowman or made it excruciating to hold a hockey stick? Probably not. In fact, you might have spent significantly less time outdoors during the winter.

Sadly, this is the reality for many Canadians facing economic insecurity. For these families, obtaining suitable winter clothing often proves financially challenging. They're compelled to wear inadequate attire, which makes winter's challenges uncomfortable at best and hazardous at worst.

Thankfully, there are individuals and organizations dedicated to extending a helping hand. Initiatives such as United Way Winnipeg's Koats for Kids are committed to providing winter jackets, toques, scarves, gloves, and more to families who might otherwise struggle to afford them.

Each year, Koats for Kids collects and distributes over 7,000 pieces of winter clothing, including jackets, boots, mittens, and more. Our sister company, Access Storage, serves as both a storage facility and a drop-off location for this program, which kicks-off on September 20.

Even if you're not in the Winnipeg area, it remains imperative to support local charities that lend a helping hand to families facing economic challenges. After all, we aspire to ensure that the next generation of Canadians develops the same love for winter that we hold dear.

At Cubeit, we take immense pride in supporting community initiatives across the country. We don't merely operate within these communities; we call them home and are wholeheartedly committed to building a better Canada for all.